Metal marking solutions, stand-alone feeding and printing solutions, colour print on alu-pouches and pharmaceutical printing, verification and tamper evident labelling were some of the solutions that drew a lot of attention at Fachpack in Nuremberg, September 25-27
During the three days at FachPack, many visitors dropped by our stand to see and try a selection of our different printing solutions for the traditional packaging industries as well as solutions for more specialised industries, such as the PHARMA and the FOOD industries.
One of the absolute highlights on our stand was the PV650C combined with an HM400 Tamper Evident labeller showing a production line for printing, verification and tamperproof labelling.
Read more about our solutions for the pharmaceutical industry
Also, the stand-alone solution with WR250 feeder and Micron for easy and simple feeding and printing of paper sheets or envelopes drew a lot of attention.
Read more about stand-alone feeding and printing solutions
HSA Systems' stand at FachPack
Production line for Printing, Verification and Tamper Evident Labelling
HSA Systems' team at FachPack